2023 Desk Calendar Considerations

2023 Calendar Considerations

2022 Calendar Photos
Photos of animals, birds and scenes from my travels around the world.

An adventure with Kazakh Eagle Hunters, National Nadam Festival, Przewalski Wild Horses plus a wedding and encounters with Saiga Antelope and Wild Bactrian camels.

2021 Calendar Photos
Photos of animals, birds and landscapes from my travels around the world

Photos for Santa Cruz Ace Hardware windows
Pictures of places in Santa Cruz, California chosen for exterior window display in Santa Cruz ACE Hardware store.

2020 Calendar Photos
Photos of animals, birds and scenes from my travels around the world.

2019 Calendar Photos
Photos of Animals, Birds and Landscapes from my travels around the world.

About the Photographer: Ken Zaremba
Since retirement, I've been very fortunate in being able to travel extensively around the world and photographing all the creatures I've encountered along the way. From small ship expeditions, safari expeditions and private travel I've accumulated thousands and thousands of photos. ken@zaremba.org

2018 Calendar Photos
Photos of Animals, Birds and landscapes from my photo expeditions around the world